A Brief Introduction To White Label Website Accessibility Solutions

4 min readFeb 6, 2021
white label website accessibility solutions

Any website owner needs as many visitors as possible to attract them. However, few take the precautions necessary to make sure everybody will access their platform. There are millions of people out there who rely on the accessibility of websites, and if you don’t take the time to consider their needs, everyone will miss out. White label website accessibility solutions, luckily, is not difficult to enforce. You just need to consider the fundamental challenges that some entities can find a platform difficult or impossible to access. When you do, you will take action to stop such errors and to encourage all visitors to your site.

In this article, we’ll look at what is really involved in website accessibility and why it’s so critical. We will also outline the most significant criteria for accessibility and teach you how to incorporate them on your platform. Let’s move ahead!

What is Website Accessibility?

Ideally, on the internet, everybody should be able to access every website. If they have a disability that limits their capacities or what hardware and applications they need to use, it shouldn’t matter. The core tenet underlying the idea of online accessibility is this.

The truth is that there are special conditions, disorders, and impairments for millions of internet users that can make it challenging or even harder for them to access those types of websites. You will ensure that it is friendly to as many visitors as possible by building the site with these obstacles in mind.

While the way people use websites is affected by a lot of illnesses and disorders, let’s take a look at some of the more common types of impairments:

· Visual impairment: This entails a partial or absolute failure to see colour contrasts or interpret them.

· Hearing impairment: Some people have decreased hearing capacity.

· Motor skills/physical disabilities: People can have trouble moving areas of their body, even performing correct gestures (such as when using a mouse).

· Photosensitive seizures: Seizures that are often induced by blinking lights can be caused by disorders such as epilepsy.

· Cognitive disabilities: There are also several disorders that, such as dementia and dyslexia, impair cognitive capacity.

Some users use assistive devices to access the internet in order to get through these challenges. This involves screen readers vocalizing the text on — page, applications for speech recognition that translates speech into text, Braille terminals, and even alternate keyboards that suit specific needs.

As such, surfing the web is easy for almost everyone. What’s more, by building the platform with resell website accessibility solutions in mind, you can make their interactions dramatically easier.

How to have Website Accessibility?

Umbrellaus takes server maintenance off your hands with automated upgrades and solid security defenses, so you can concentrate on what really matters: web accessibility.

Why it should be a priority to make your website accessible?

The advantages to the customer by having white label website accessibility solutions are immense, as you might imagine. This is an important thing to do purely from a humanistic viewpoint, since it assures that people with disabilities are not left out.

Enhancing connectivity to the web, of course, still offers you a lot of opportunities. Crucially, it extends the target audience instantly. Here the math should be clear. You’ve only expanded your future customer base exponentially as more people are able to access your platform. This could put you one step ahead of rivals who might not have taken the same accessibility measure.

You will also support all your guests by thinking in terms of accessibility, not just those that match the categories we mentioned earlier. The overall design and accessibility can also be improved by all of the aspects involved with making the web more available. And, along the way, you’ll make your platform more versatile and ‘future-proof’.

Lastly, it is necessary to remember that many countries have web and app accessibility regulations. As such, you will be legally obliged to comply with unique requirements for accessibility.

You’re not lonely, luckily. Since 1997, the Internet Accessibility Initiative project has been working on helping to enhance internet accessibility. On their pages, make sure to review the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, also known as WCAG. In order to make the platform more user-friendly, these instructions clearly detail actions you should take.

Likewise, WordPress has its own Make WordPress Accessible team that works on the website directly. There are also countless other community-driven initiatives to help you create highly accessible websites, such as A11Y, that provide guidance and tools.

Accessibility for Online content matters

It should be a top priority to ensure that the platform is welcoming to as many users as possible. There is no need to exclude anyone, especially because avoiding doing so is reasonably easy. Not only can the customers praise you, but in the form of improved traffic and conversions, you’ll also definitely see advantages.

You should make sure your platform is designed for white label website accessibility solutions now by taking the time to consider the potential defects in your architecture and content.

Our goal at Umbrellaus is to inspire individuals to get online. That means that accessibility is taken seriously by us. Consider Umbrellaus, our controlled platform hosting solution, if you’re ready to set up a platform. Umbrellaus takes server maintenance off your hands with automated upgrades and robust security defenses, so you can concentrate on what really matters: building a web that anyone can access and enjoy. Visit us today about choices for a schedule.




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